
My top US experience after camp

With the extra 30 day visa enabling you to see the sights and sounds of America, this is how I spent my time....

1) Hiking West Virginia 

The Maryland Hike was one of the best experiences I have ever had! Firstly, being surrounded by nature was simply breathtaking! We passed valleys and walked several kilometres alongside the river and the sight at the top made it all worth it. And secondly, the mountain has a nest of towns at its foot which have a timeless feel to them. The old village feels like something out of an old movie which really makes you feel like you’ve travelled back in time! Whilst you’re there you can enjoy your afternoon with some locally made ice cream and cool off in the river. It was the perfect temperature after a sweaty hike!

2) Apple festival in North Carolina 

Travelling across North Carolina we stumbled across an Apple festival. I guess they have a festival for everything in the states! It was such a nice experience to try new, apple based foods and you can smell the sweet scent in the air. There were so many different types of juice and cakes to try! The speakers were playing non-stop feel good music mixed in with some classic American Country. This adventure definitely gave off a good vibe and the spontaneity gave it extra bonus points!

3) Miami beach

Miami beach is everything people say it is! Such an incredible place to be in and you can feel the energy radiating from everyone.There is something to do here for everyone with the constant buzz of life. Before the beach there is an array of shops lining the coast and opposite them, is the iconic golden sand beach with turquoise water. There were boat tours advertised at every corner for those that wanted to admire the beach from the sea but we ended up staying on the land as we didn’t have too much time to wander around. Good food, nice music, and spots filled with art is what caught my attention. Definitely, a must see destination.

4) New Orleans – Ghost Tour

New Orleans is such a great city to visit. The “Beignet” is a traditional New Orleans dessert of small fried pieces of pastry coated in powdered sugar. 100% a must try item especially at Cafe du Monde! The ghost tour taught us all the wonderful and tragic secrets of the place and left us with shaky knees. The tour was very engaging and made me wish it didn’t end so quickly.
After the tour we ventured down Frenchman Street and as the sun began to set, thats when you got to see the streets true colours. The vibe completely changed. The streets were filled with people dancing to the soothing live jazz that was coming out of every window. Street performers painted the night with their music and it was impossible not to get involved.




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