

To begin your journey with Skilled Summers, please complete the form below and our team will be in touch….

Please note: If your country of residence isn't listed then we are sorry but we cannot accept your application.

Looking to teach English at one of our city camps? click here

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Step 1 of 2
Where are you applying from?
We will reach out to you via SMS or Whatsapp
If your country of residence is NOT listed you CANNOT apply.
If your country has an asterisk (*) next to it you can apply but you MUST be a Student / Teacher / Youth Worker.
All others are GOOD to apply.

Important Information!

Please read and understand the following before agreeing (links open in new tab):

  • I have read and understood the costs to join the programme.
  • I have read, understood and agree to the terms and conditions of the programme
  • Camps start from June 1st-20th 2025, I confirm I am available to start between these dates.
Do you agree to the above?

By clicking ‘APPLY NOW!’, you confirm that you are happy to be contacted by the Skilled Summers team via Whatsapp or Email to discuss your application and receive further information on the program. You can opt-out of this at any time after your application has been submitted by contacting info@skilledsummers.co.uk. 




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