
Summer to remember – Muhammad

"As the first applicant from Pakistan to the USA exchange program, I embarked on a journey that would forever change my life. The decision to apply for this program was not an easy one, but with the guidance and support of Skilled Summer, I successfully navigated the application process. Little did I know that this summer would become an extraordinary chapter in my life, filled with new experiences, friendships, and personal growth."

A Diverse World of Sports

Upon arriving at the camp, I was introduced to a world of sports that I had never encountered before in my home country. While Pakistan has its own sports like cricket and field hockey, I was eager to try my hand at American pastimes. Over the course of the summer, I delved into a variety of sports, including baseball, American football, gaga ball, pillow polo, street hockey, lacrosse, and archery. Each sport offered a unique and thrilling experience, and I quickly found myself immersed in this new sporting world.

One of the most remarkable aspects of my summer experience was playing these sports with kids from the camp. Their enthusiasm and energy made it easier for me to learn and adapt, and by the end of the summer, I had become quite proficient. I was even dubbed the “gaga champ,” and my skills in street hockey earned me the coveted Stanley trophy. My background in field hockey proved to be an asset, and I rapidly excelled in these new sports, becoming a respected figure in the camp.

Sharing My Culture through Sports

As a sports specialist, I had the unique opportunity to introduce my national sports to the camp, starting with field hockey and later introducing cricket. It was a proud moment for me to showcase the sports that are so beloved in my home country to an international audience. Watching campers and fellow staff members embrace these sports with enthusiasm was truly rewarding, and it fostered cultural exchange and understanding.

Daily Adventures and International Friendships

Every day at the camp brought new adventures and activities. Staying energetic was never a challenge as there was always something exciting to do. One of the highlights of my summer was working alongside international staff members. I formed friendships with people from different countries, and we bonded over our shared passion for sports and adventure.

Our international staff soccer team, predominantly composed of players from the UK and Scotland, regularly competed against the American staff. Our soccer matches, held every Thursday, were intense and spirited, and we often emerged victorious, thanks to the strong British influence on our team.

Weekends were reserved for exploring the vibrant cities and landmarks of the United States. From Times Square to the Statue of Liberty, Central Park to the Empire State Building, I had the opportunity to witness the iconic attractions of New York. Additionally, visiting Boston, including places like Boston Common, the Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum, UMass Lowell, Salem, and more, allowed me to delve into American history and culture.

A Dream Come True in Boston

One of the most memorable moments of my summer was playing a game for a local Boston soccer team. Some of my camp friends came along to watch, and to my astonishment, I scored two goals during that game. The local club was so impressed that they selected me for their first eleven, their main team. It was a dream come true, and it highlighted the incredible experiences and opportunities that this exchange program had brought into my life.


My summer experience in the USA exchange program was nothing short of life-changing. From embracing new sports to sharing my own culture, forming international friendships to scoring goals in Boston, every moment was a testament to the transformative power of cultural exchange and adventure. This opportunity, though challenging to attain, proved to be a remarkable journey that I will cherish forever. For someone from Pakistan, it was an incredible opportunity that I will forever be grateful for.




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