
Top 5 things to pack for camp

What to take? 

With the days leading up to Summer, packing for camp can seem a bit daunting and stressful, and the suitcase may seem a little too small for all the "necessities" you need. Most international flights to America allow you to bring a 10kg carry-on, and a suitcase which is roughly about 23/25 kilograms depending on the airline you use. As tempting as it feels to stuff your suitcase and get it dead on the 23kg mark, you'll soon realise that you'll be coming back with a lot more. So what do you actually need? 

Fear not because here are top five tips to consider when packing for your trip to the States.

1) Don’t take all your best clothes. 

Listen, you’re going to a camp and not the London Gala. Whether you like it or not, your clothes won’t stay clean for long because kids are gross and their activities can get a bit mucky (And sorry but there is no Vanish in America). Leave your Supreme hat, LV belt, and your Off White shoes and throw in your favourite pair of Crocs because they will soon become your best friends. 

You will have days off so bring “going out” clothes but keep it as the minority of your camp wardrobe. 

2) Leave some space. 

Now I know that 23kg sounds a lot but trust me, you’ll need room for souvenirs. Over the 9 weeks of camp you will rally in countless artefacts with great sentimental value. Campers love gifting their favourite councillors with totems of America or even drawings and bracelets. On your days off, you will find yourself wandering the local towns and stumbling across some small independent markets with the coolest items. Definitely keep your eyes out for Yard sales and thrift shops as in the States you can stumble across some diamonds. And when you’re a Thrift shop Guru like me, that 10 dollar bill might be your ticket for a whole new outfit! $4 for a Nike Michael Jordan top? Cheers. Remember, you can always order things to the camp’s reception if you can’t make it to your local town. 

3) Bring some cards/table games 

My best tip would be to bring some tabletop games that don’t take up much room. Dobble and Monopoly go are definitely in the top 5, but even a regular deck of cards can provide hours of fun on rainy days. I guarantee that you’ll learn new games and will teach a few yourself! Just make sure to call it Cheat and not… the other name. Another camper favourite is the game of Werewolves or Mafia. Some camps even offer it as an extra activity and you could find yourself playing a campaign of Dungeons and Dragons.

Some of the funniest and unexpected stories from my time at camp have definitely come from the games room as well as the magic corner, so stay open minded to it all. 

4) Tech 

What tech to bring? Good question, but it really depends on your camp so definitely touch base with them first. I brought my laptop and hardly used it, but the Media and photography councillors were kicking themselves for not bringing their own set ups. With that being said, there are definitely two tech pieces that are essential. 

– Speaker 

– Adapter 

What more is there to say? Pretty self-explanatory. Music is played around the clock and it gives you a little boost of a main character moment. When you’ve set up a rock climbing competition, the adrenaline starts racing as you play the rocky theme tune in the background. For the adapter, it might also be worth bringing a UK extension lead to make the most out of it. 

5) The rest

Now I’m not going to list EVERYTHING you need to pack because no two camps are the same and this list is made by a guy, and I know that packing as a girl is a lot different. But the final piece of kit is the Casio F-91W. Google it. It’s a cheap waterproof watch and it will go to hell and back with you. 

In camp time keeping is essential! Everyday the campers go through 6 hours of activities and starting them on time just makes things run a lot smoother. One minute you’re on the rock climbing wall and then you have to trek down to the horse riding shack and then before you know it… it’s already lunch. 

I quickly became one with the watch and always felt naked without it. My Good Ol’ trusty $11 black strap Casio went swimming with me and then Mountain biking and after earning a few scratches, I was able to flex it in town. 

As Ferris Bueller once said – Life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around for a while, you might miss it – This definitely applies to camp. 


I hope this short blog helps you and you feel just that little bit more prepared for your summer under the american sun (ooooh yeah and bring some sunscreen). I wish you all the best for your adventure and good luck with the packing!




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